From Kayla Campbell


I worked as Muhammed’s caregiver for 5-6 years. Feda always had me taking Mu to the coolest places and things to do. All she wanted was for him to live a happy life. Feda and I shared being strong woman. She taught me so much over those years. She literally taught me how to cook! The Almaliti family up until this day treat me as their family. It is something that I will never take for granted. I loved them like my family too. I still struggle to realize that they are gone in the flesh and I sometimes can hear Feda’s voice telling me to be strong and get my sh*t together when I’m feeling weak. She was bold she was strong and fierce for the love of her family. Nothing would get in between her and her children not even a fire. I miss you dearly Muhammed and Feda.

Thank you for making this page in their honor and continued educational tools to help other families prevent similar situations.

In your name Feda & Muhammed .



From Amanda Kelley


From Lubna